

History of the Faculty



The education of students at the Military University of Technology began in 1951. After 8 years of polytechnic education, the structure of the university was modernized and changed into a faculty structure, which is still in force today. Over the years, the education system has stabilized, and the number of young employees recruited from among the Academy’s graduates has been steadily increasing.

Between 1959 and 1960 the  Faculty of Military Chemistry was established. It was created from three general academic departments: General Physics, Higher Mathematics and Basic Chemistry. In addition, the Department of Nuclear Defence was established from the Department of Explosives and the Department of Chemical Defence, which were excluded from the then Faculty of Artillery and Technology. The first Commandant of the Faculty was Colonel Tadeusz Nowak, MSc.

In 1962 , on the initiative of General Prof. Sylwester Kaliski, a new field of study was created: technical physics, which resulted in a change of name to the Faculty of Chemistry and Technical Physics. The Faculty included the newly created departments of Technical Applications of Physics, Solid State Electronics, Fundamentals of Mechanics and Technical Physics. The Faculty began to educate highly qualified military specialists.

In 1970, the  Department of Meteorology was established, which educated specialists in the field of military meteorology (in 1983, the education of meteorologists was transferred to the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy).

In 1973, after 15 years of domination of the departmental structures, full-time institutes were established at the Faculty for the first time.

In 1994, as part of the reorganization of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technical Physics with the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, the Faculty of Engineering, Chemistry and Technical Physics was created. The Department of Mathematics was incorporated into the Faculty of Cybernetics, and the Department of Explosives into the Faculty of Armament and Aviation. In cooperation with the Naval Academy, intercollegiate military doctoral studies were established. Studies for civilian candidates were launched and part-time education was undertaken. The employment structure was changed to civilian-military.

Between 1959 and 1980, the  Military Chemistry Faculty educated specialists in the field of: defence against weapons of mass destruction, protection of troops against contamination, chemical army equipment, explosives. In the following years, education was narrowed down to two specialties: protection against contamination and explosives technology (including rocket fuels). In the field of technical physics, specialisations were created depending on the demand for graduates, who were prepared according to an individual course of study. These were: solid state physics and electronics, metal physics, explosion physics, nuclear physics and quantum electronics, plasma physics, electromagnetic radiation physics, and solid state physics and technology.

Between 1994 and 2006,  students were educated in the following fields: chemistry, civil engineering, geodesy and cartography, and technical physics. Chemists were educated in unique specialties useful in the army. The high level of education and research at the Faculty was determined by outstanding academic teachers and scientists. Particular attention was paid to the development of scientific research as an essential factor in the high quality of student education. Research was carried out, in the field of X-ray, luminescence, chromatography, electron microscopy, polarography, paramagnetic resonance, spectral analysis, chemistry of lasers, fuel cells and semiconductors, liquid crystals and superhard materials, techniques of protection against poisonous agents, explosives and explosion physics, protection against the glaring factors of nuclear explosions, as well as studies of atmospheric dynamics for the purposes of forecasting taking into account the specificity of Troops.

In 2006 as a result of another restructuring consisting in the division of the existing Faculty of Engineering, Chemistry and Technical Physics, two independent scientific units were created: the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy and the Faculty of New Technologies and Chemistry, which is the successor of the historical faculties established at the Military University of Technology under the names of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technical Physics and the Faculty of Engineering, Chemistry and Technical Physics.

The first Dean of the new Faculty was Prof. Krzysztof Czupryński, Vice-Deans for Scientific Affairs by Stanisław Kłosowicz, PhD, DSc, Eng., and for Student Affairs by Aleksander KIEŻUN, PhD, Eng. The directors of the institutes are: Prof. Leszek R. JAROSZEWICZ – Institute of Technical Physics and Prof. Stanisław CUDZIŁO – Institute of Chemistry. The head of the Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies is Prof. Zbigniew BOJAR.

In 2019 A change was made in the structure of the Faculty consisting in the transformation of the Department of Advanced Materials and Technologies into the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, the pillars of which are: the Department of Functional Materials and Hydrogen Techniques, the Department of Construction Materials and the Department of Materials Technology

The Faculty of Advanced Technologies and Chemistry, taking over education in the fields of chemistry and materials engineering, educates highly qualified engineers and masters of engineering for the needs of the national economy, and since 2006 has been educating future officers for the needs of the chemical forces, securing the personnel needs of the Land Forces, Air Force and Navy.

The basic activities of the Faculty are concentrated in the areas of didactic and scientific research activity in the following fields: exact natural sciences in the discipline of chemical sciences and engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of materials engineering