

Fields of studies


The field of studies in Chemistry is conducted in the field of exact sciences, in the field of chemical sciences and in the discipline of chemistry, and is related to the other fields of study conducted by the Faculty, i.e. materials science and chemistry and engineering of special-purpose materials. The adopted concept of education in this field assumes the preparation of engineering staff for 1st and 2nd degree studies. The main goal of education is to obtain by graduates of all levels of studies high qualifications (knowledge, skills and social competences) necessary in the processes of designing, manufacturing and safe use of various substances and chemical products, including toxic industrial agents and other hazardous materials (explosive, pyrotechnics, radioactive materials). In addition, graduates gain knowledge and skills in the field of dealing with hazardous waste (neutralization, disposal, recycling) and preventing accidents in the chemical and fuel industry, and in the event of their occurrence, also minimizing and eliminating their effects. These goals are implemented on the basis of thorough knowledge and skills acquired by the student during the study of basic and major subjects, especially general, inorganic and organic chemistry, chemical analysis, chemical engineering, chemical technology, materials engineering, spectroscopy, crystallography and computational methods in chemistry, including CHEM-CAD design systems, as well as specialized subjects, such as chemistry of poisons and decontamination processes, technical and chemical rescue, protection against contamination, dosimetry and dosimetry devices, pyrotechnics, high-energy materials, nuclear chemistry and physics, chemistry and explosives technology, explosion physics and explosion forecasting, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. The specificity of training chemists at the Military University of Technology is therefore the focus of the program on the broadly understood chemistry and technology of hazardous materials as well as chemical and technical rescue. Graduates of the Chemistry course can gain professional qualifications in the following specialties: • explosives and pyrotechnics • hazardous materials and chemical rescue. JOB OPPORTUNITIES Studies in Chemistry prepare the graduate to: • didactic and research work in military and civil education, research and development institutes and military units • a graduate of this faculty is prepared to work as an operator of chemical defense equipment, specialist in the warehouses of anti-contamination equipment, laboratories and specialist workshops, recipient and operator of rocket materials and fuels, specialist in the storage of high-energy materials and specialist laboratories, an employee of cells and environmental protection institutions • work in analytical laboratories • work in companies: cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food • an interesting option is to work in the police, in forensics, possible after completing special courses and completing an internship.


programe of study chemistry

Materials Engineering

Materials Engineering is a field of science and technology, distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature. Materials engineering is the study of the structure, properties and technology of manufacturing materials. From among other fields of science, materials science is distinguished by its interdisciplinary character, it combines physics and chemistry, mechanics and electronics, biology and medicine. Materials engineering is the basis of modern industry. It is a field of study educating in the field of conscious design of materials in order to give them the properties that are needed in a given application. Materials engineering is one of the most dynamically developing fields of science and technology. This is because the development of technical civilization increasingly depends on the development of materials. Material engineering owes its dynamic development to the use of computer methods and modern information technologies. It enables, using modern tools, the use of a number of technologies that currently allow the creation of any materials, making them useful for humans, such as biomaterials designed and manufactured for direct applications in living organisms. Graduates of the Materials engineering course can gain professional qualifications in the following specialties:

  • computer-aided materials engineering
  • photonic engineering
  • functional materials
  • construction materials

Specialty: Computer-aided materials engineering Graduates acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of designing, manufacturing and qualitative acceptance of machine parts and devices using the CAD/CAM environment platform, advanced CNC machining methods, 3D printing and production diagnostic methods. The innovative aspect of the specialty is the comprehensive 3D printing techniques, including the production of prototypes from thermoplastics and fully functional elements from modern polymeric materials and metals and their alloys. Specialty: Photonic engineering The photonic engineering specialization, based on the achievements of optics, electronics and computer science, gives the opportunity to learn about the ways of transferring and processing information using electromagnetic radiation. Graduates gain knowledge about information display systems, materials for optical fiber optoelectronics, as well as semiconductor materials and photonic devices, including liquid crystals and infrared detectors. The photonic engineering specialization, based on the relationship between the structure, the method of obtaining and the functional properties, shapes the ability to design materials and construct devices that fulfill specific functions for applications in many developing areas of the photonics industry. Specialty: Functional materials Graduates gain knowledge about information imaging systems, materials for optical fiber optoelectronics, or semiconductor photonic materials. The specialty functional materials, based on the relationship between the structure, method of production and functional properties, shapes the ability to design materials that meet specific functions for applications in many priority developing areas of the world economy. Specialty: Construction materials It covers the knowledge of metal and non-metal materials used in modern technology, with particular emphasis on machine construction. Graduates are prepared to work as technologists and coordinators of team work related to the selection or design of construction materials, supervision of complex technological processes, as well as material consultants in the design of complex machines and devices and their diagnostics in comprehensive operating conditions. In addition, graduates of this specialization are prepared to conduct material research in industrial and research laboratories. JOB OPPORTUNITIES A graduate in Material Engineering may be employed in design and consulting offices, production departments producing materials, industrial plants, industrial enterprises, producing, processing or using engineering materials, scientific and research institutions, institutions dealing with counseling and dissemination of knowledge in the field of materials and computer engineering support in technique.


programme of study materials engineering